America at a crossroads

    We live in an America at a crossroads. The Democrat party has been taken over by socialist. Or as Bill Ayres would say, communist with a small “c”. To a socialist everything thing to the right of their ideology as fascist. Their playbook is the same used in every communist country in the world. Chaos, violence, misinformation, and name calling. Identify problems, true or false, and declare they can fix it. It’s always the same, race, wealth distribution, freedom, corruption. Nothing ever changes but the power shift and the loss of your freedom. That’s the price of the socialist fix. They are in charge.

    If you think Democracy is being threatened by Republicans, answer some simple question in your mind:

    • Who has limited your freedom over the past two years?
    • Who has mandated vaccinations in the past two years?
    • Who has imprisoned those that disagree with their view, namely abortion?
    • Who has raided homes of private citizens for having a different view?

    You may not share all the views of conservative Republicans, but you must surely see who is threatening your democracy.

    If you agree with them, so be it. You too are a threat to democracy. Some people like socialism. The cradle to grave concept with no control over your life appeals to the few. They then impose it on the many.

    That’s not what this country is about, and most people get that. If you pursue the path to socialism, I’m sure you’ll be disappointed.

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